Administrative law
A characteristic feature of administrative (public law) legal relations is the presence in them of a subject of power (state authority or local self-government), the other party is individuals and legal entities.
We help in relations with the subjects of authority, and if you have to deal with illegal decisions, actions or inaction, we will protect your interests out of court or in court.
- Advice on administrative law;
- Representation of interests of clients in state authorities and local self-government;
- Administrative (out-of-court) appeal of decisions and actions of subjects of authority;
- Appealing against decisions, actions or inaction of the subjects of power in court;
- Appealing against decisions of state registrars on registration of ownership of real estate, lifting arrests and bans;
- Recovery of funds from the subject of authority for compensation for damage caused by his unlawful decision, action or inaction;
- Protection of legal entities and individuals in cases of administrative offenses;
- Representation of clients in administrative courts.