Criminal law
Guests in “masks”, searches, seizures of documents and seizure of accounts are a common occurrence for business in Ukraine and a nightmare for any person.
The main focus of Biletskyi & Partners Law Firm’s criminal law practice is to protect companies and officials from crimes in the field of economic activity, as well as to protect officials in the field of corruption offenses.
In particular, the company’s services include protection against crimes related to tax evasion, fees (mandatory payments); fictitious entrepreneurship; falsification of documents; legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime; illegal foreign exchange transactions; bringing to bankruptcy; offenses in the use of budget funds; corruption offenses; fraud; the illicit manufacture and sale of excisable goods; illegal use of intellectual property.
- Legal support of the company’s business and analysis of its compliance with the requirements of the criminal law;
- Representation of company interests and officials in regulatory and law enforcement agencies;
- Legal assistance to witnesses during interrogations;
- Representation of the interests of the victim in criminal proceedings;
- Filing a civil action in criminal proceedings;
- Representation of interests of a civil plaintiff or defendant;
- Representation of the interests of the claimant for compensation for damage caused by a crime;
- Briefing on the behavior of company employees during investigative actions and inspections by government bodies;
- Representation of interests of companies during a search;
- Appealing decisions on the seizure of property;
- Appealing decisions on the seizure of bank accounts;
- Appeal of court decisions on the selection of a preventive measure;
- Appeal against unlawful decisions and inaction of the investigator, prosecutor and investigative judge;
- Protection of the client at the stages of pre-trial investigation and judicial investigation.